Wrapping up this Fall's schedule of virtual guests is Catherine Trinkle of Avon, IN. Catherine is the school media specialist at Hickory Elementary School. She is also the webmaster for Hickory Elementary, and her professional interests center on but are not limited to the effective use of technology and the teaching and promotion of reading. Learn more about Mrs. Trinkle at http://eduscapes.com/sms/overview/trinkle.html.
Explore the Hickory Elementary School website http://he.avon-schools.org/.
Notice that you can connect to the Media Center and Mrs. Trinkle's Homepage from the menu bar.
Catherine writes for School Library Media Activities Monthly and completes book reviews for Library Media Connection.
Marnie Bolstad, one of three teacher librarians at her school, is working her third year at Newton South High School, Newton, MA.
Prior to her current assignment at NSHS, Marnie was an elementary library teacher for five years in the Newton School System. At the elementary level, she worked 'solo' without an aide or other staff support. In her own words, "I did a little bit of everything."
At Newton South High School, Marnie works with three paraprofessional library staff members, a secretary and two aides.
Learn more about our Marnie and her school at http://eduscapes.com/sms/overview/bolstad.html
Janette Fluharty has been a teacher for thirteen years, having taught for ten years in a general education classroom and now in her third year as the teacher librarian at Avon Intermediate School East in Avon, IN.
Passions: teaching, reading promotion, technology integration, and collaboration with peers.
Biggest Surprise About Her Job: She LOVES 5th and 6th graders.
Best Part of Her Job: Working with teachers and students
Hardest Part of Her Job: Finding the time to fit it all in
Learn more about Janette by visiting: http://eduscapes.com/sms/overview/fluharty.html
For ten years, Ramona Ho has been the Head Librarian at Charles Reed Bishop Learning Center, Kamehameha Schools Maui Campus, Pukalani, Hawaii - - a school facility that she helped plan and build.
Ramona previously held positions as an elementary teacher, a reference librarian at the University of Hawaii's Medical School, a reference / instructional librarian at a community college, and the Head Librarian at a private high school and a large public high school.
Learn more about Ramona at http://eduscapes.com/sms/overview/ramonaho.html
Helen Adams is currently teaching online courses for Mansfield University's (PA) School Library and Information Technologies program. Formerly Helen was a school librarian and technology coordinator in Wisconsin.
Helen is an advocate for school libraries and teacher librarians; a strong leader who is active at state, regional, and national levels. She is a frequent conference presenter and has authored a number of articles and textbooks on technology planning, Internet search tools, library automation, school library policy development, and privacy. Her latest book Ensuring Intellectual Freedom and Access to Information in the School Library was released last month by Libraries Unlimited http://lu.com/showbook.cfm?isbn=9781591585398.
Her professional interests focus mainly on issues and ideas related to intellectual freedom, privacy in school library media programs, and Internet filtering. Learn more about Helen Adams at http://eduscapes.com/sms/overview/adams.html.
Robin Tanis is the Head Librarian at St. Pius X Catholic High School in Atlanta, GA. At St. Pius, Robin has established a collaborative partnership with the school’s classroom teachers. She was an early pioneer in technology integration bringing computers, automation, and the Internet into the library and then the rest of the school. Robin was the original Webmaster for the school (http://www.spx.org/) and is still responsible for keeping the Flannery O’Connor Library Web site current (http://www.spx.org/library).
Encouraging pleasure reading is a professional interest of Robin’s. Robin is known for ASPIRE! - - a Summer Reading Enrichment program. She has presented her program at state and national conferences. ASPIRE! was featured in both Knowledge Quest (Sep/Oct 2003, Access to PDF document requires login) and School Library Journal (Jan. 2004). Last year she began a Teen Library Council to give interested students leadership opportunities in the library. She also moderates the Anime Club.
Learn more about Robin at http://eduscapes.com/sms/overview/tanis.html.
Not all school media specialists and teacher librarians work in public schools. Liz Gray is the Library Director at Dana Hall School in Wellesley, MA.
Liz Gray's varied work experiences include serving as a School Library Director in Rome, Italy as well as stints in both a public library and an academic library. She is a former English teacher who has taught in Switzerland and England. You can find additional information about Liz at the following website: http://eduscapes.com/sms/overview/lizgray.html
Liz consults on library space planning and has taught "Planning Libraries for the 21st Century" and "Good Ideas: Successful Library Programming and Instruction" at the Taft Education Center in Watertown, CT.
Leslie Preddy is the library media specialist at Perry Meridian Middle School, Indianapolis. Leslie is another Indiana and national leader in the school library field. She is an author, presenter, and an enthusiastic teacher librarian with a long list of participation, accomplishment, and some well-deserved recognition.
Learn more about Leslie:
Introduction at eduScapes http://eduscapes.com/sms/overview/preddy.html
Instructional Media Center Website: http://pmms.msdpt.k12.in.us/imc/index.htm Leslie Preddy: Reading, Thinking, Learning, Living . . . http://www.lesliepreddy.com/
Here is another occasion to discuss real issues, concerns, and experiences with a library media professional.
This year we are fortunate to have as another of our virtual guests, Carl Harvey II, library media specialist at North Elementary School (Noblesville, IN).
Carl holds leadership roles at the state and national level, has written several journal articles, authored two books, and is a frequent presenter at professional conferences. He is the current President of the Indiana Library Federation. Carl is a "go-to" person who often assists and mentors others who are becoming active in the professional field.
Learn more about Carl's professional activities and accomplishments at http://eduscapes.com/sms/overview/harvey.html
Teresa Garreth is the media specialist at New Castle Chrysler High School (NCCHS). Previously Teresa was an elementary teacher and later supervised seven elementary libraries for the New Castle Community Schools.
Learn more about Teresa and her professional interests and expertise at http://eduscapes.com/sms/overview/garreth.html
Visit her media center's website at http://www.nccsc.k12.in.us/hsmedia/
Teresa has first-hand experience with a position responsible for several school libraries and can provide realistic ideas about multiple building types of assignments. She also has excellent ideas and experience related to reading promotion, collection development, and can discuss any relevant issue related to school library media.