Monday, March 06, 2023

Synergy: Scopes Monkey Trial

The SCOPES MONKEY TRIAL challenged the Butler Act prohibiting the teaching of human evolution in schools. Science teacher John Scopes (1900-1970) agreed to become the defendant in the test case pitting science against religion. He was found guilty and the act remained in place until 1967.

Read the recently published nonfiction book for middle grades, then learn more at the websites:

THE MONKEY TRIAL: JOHN SCOPES AND THE BATTLE OVER TEACHING EVOLUTION by Anita Sanchez is a well-researched, nonfiction book for middle grades examining what became known as the Scopes Monkey Trial. Weaving primary sources with engaging narrative, Sanchez focuses on the teacher who stood up for the rights of students to learn. The book stresses that the conflict between science and religion continues today. ARC courtesy of Clarion Books, an imprint of HarperCollins.

JOHN SCOPES is a short article from PBS about the teacher and trial.

To read the article, go to

THE SCOPES MONKEY TRIAL from In Search of History weaves photos and historical footage into a video about the trial.

To watch the video, go to

The SCOPE “MONKEY” TRIAL from the State bar of Georgia shares an animated video about the famous trial.

To watch the video, go to