JAPANESE RELOCATION DURING WORLD WAR II from the National Archives features twenty digital objects related to Japanese Internment.
Contents: After providing background information and other resources, the page provides access to specific objects housed at the National Archives. From Executive Orders and reports to photos and posters, this easy-to-use page provides a brief description, identifier, and link to each document.
Classroom Connections: Teachers of all ages will find this page to provide quick access to key documents useful in teaching about Japanese relocation during World War II. These primary resources will bring the event alive for students reading historical fiction about this time period.
Featured Digital Objects:
Executive Order https://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash=true&doc=74
Children in Internment Camp https://www.archives.gov/…/japan…/images/children-pledge.gif
High School Students https://www.archives.gov/…/japanese-…/images/high-school.gif
Executive Order https://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash=true&doc=74
Children in Internment Camp https://www.archives.gov/…/japan…/images/children-pledge.gif
High School Students https://www.archives.gov/…/japanese-…/images/high-school.gif
To visit the collection, go tohttps://www.archives.gov/educat…/lessons/japanese-relocation.