Monday, January 24, 2022

Synergy: Protest Art

Protest Art includes the wide range of creative works produced by activists. Designed to inform, educator, and persuade, these works of art are intended to stir emotions and promote action in citizens as part of social movements.

Read the recently published work of nonfiction for youth then learn more at the website.

THE ART OF PROTEST: Creating, Discovering, and Activating Art for your Revolution by De Nichols is designed to inspire youth to explore art from around the world and create their own. Using colorful illustrations and well-known examples from throughout history, the author explains the importance of art in social movements, the creation or protest art, the power of youth leadership, and the future of this art form.

THE 25 MOST INFLUENTIAL WORKS OF AMERICAN PROTEST ART SINCE WORLD WAR II is an article from the New York Times discussing the impact of protest art through specific examples.

To read the article, go to 

ARC courtesy of Big Picture Press, an imprint of Candlewick Press.