Monday, April 17, 2023

Synergy: Border Barrier

A BORDER BARRIER is a fence, wall, or other structure intended to stop movement between two spaces such as countries. They are designed for defense or to prevent illegal activities such as immigration and smuggling. Unintended consequences of these structures include limiting the natural movement of wildlife.  

Read the recently published nonfiction picture books for children, then learn more at the websites:

BORDER CROSSINGS written by Sneed B. Collard II and illustrated by Howard Gray shares the story of how wildlife are impacted by the US-Mexico border wall. Specifically, the powerful picture book follows endangered ocelots who attempt to cross the border. ARC courtesy of Charlesbridge.

OCELOT from the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance provides useful background information about the endangered ocelot. To read the web page, go to

THE RIVER AND THE WALL is a full-length documentary following five friends who document wildlife migration and immigration issues along the US-Mexico border. Use this video to better understand the issues as you read the suggested picture book with children. To view the documentary, go to