Monday, September 05, 2022

Synergy: Northern Mockingbird

The Northern Mockingbird is an omnivore often found in open areas and forest edges of North America. Known for its mimicry and intelligence, the bird is able to recognize individual people and imitate a variety of animal sounds. They can be found in both urban and rural habitats.

Read the recently published nonfiction book, then learn more at the website:

DUET: OUR JOURNEY IN SONG WITH THE NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD by Phillip Hoose takes an interdisciplinary approach to telling the story of the relationship between humans and mockingbirds through history. Written for young adults, Hoose uses the Northern Mockingbird to demonstrate the resilience of both birds and humans. Concluding with an emphasis on climate change and other environmental challenges, readers are invited to explore ways to help mockingbirds and other songbirds. ARC courtesy of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, an imprint go Macmillan.

The NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD from All About Birds provides an overview to the life, location, and sounds of the Northern Mockingbird. Visit the page at

The NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD from Audubon shares background information about the bird along with information about its climate vulnerability. Visit the page at