Looking for a way to support math in your library as part of your school’s STEM program? Try the INCREDIBLE NUMBERS app by Ian Stewart.
In this award-winning app, Stewart explores the hidden beauty of numbers and patterns. From music to nature, the app shows how mathematics is woven into everyday life.
This app is a wonderful way to help reluctant learners see the value in math through amazing animations, interactive demonstrations, and puzzles. Intended to inspire and promote curiosity, users are encouraged to play with sound waves, create codes, and find patterns. For students having trouble with abstract algebra and complex equations, this app helps to visualize math’s mysteries.
At $9.99 this isn’t an inexpensive app, however it’s well worth the investment. Consider the bundle that includes three apps from Touch Press including THE ELEMENTS, SOLAR SYSTEM, along with INCREDIBLE NUMBERS.
Learn more about this app at http://incrediblenumbersapp.com/.