Monday, May 16, 2022

Synergy: Conifers

Conifers are plants that bear cones such as pine trees. Spruce, cypress, and redwood trees are other examples. While most are evergreen, some lose their needles and their color may vary from yellow and gold to blue and red along with standard green.

Read the recently published nonfiction picture book for children, then learn more at the websites:

LISTEN TO THE LANGUAGE OF THE TREES by Tera Kelley shares the story of how forests communicate underground. The story uses a Douglas-fir seedling to describe the interrelationship of the plants and animals in the forest. Of particularly note is the focus on the growth underground. The book concludes with useful science information and ideas.

OH CHRISTMAS TREE from the USGS describes the science of conifer trees through interesting text and photographs.

Go to

THE GYMNOSPERM DATABASE is a website focusing on conifers and their allies. The tree in the story is the Douglas-fir. This website provides useful scientific information including photographs.

Go to

For the Douglas-fir found in the book, go to

ARC courtesy of Dawn Publications, an imprint of Sourcebooks eXplore.