Welcome to our School Library Media Specialist blog for L553 at Indiana University at Indianapolis. Over the next few months we'll be exploring a wide range of topics that will help preservice teacher librarians bridge the gap between theory and practice. Each posting will focus on different key issues and topics. A guest professional will be commenting on the topic and answering questions.
Even if you're not registered for this class, feel free to comment if you have ideas you feel might be relevant to the discussion.
Larry Johnson
Here is an example for posting a Blog comment anonymously. I first typed this message in the "Leave your comment window." Notice that I have added my name and email address to identify myself; you can put any information here that you want displayed publicly. When I have this message as I want it, I then clicked on the "Anonymous" button under "Choose and Identity." Next, I clicked on the light blue "Login and Publish" Bar.
Or you can setup your own Blog account as Emily did; its free and you do not actually have to create your own Blog to do that.
I am a media specialist that is on what I call a fixed/flex schedule. My fixed schedule is my students weekly book check out times. However, the teachers never leave their students with me. I then schedule special activities, lessons and projects as needed. These are the co-planned activities that teach the media skills and intergrate into curriculum. Students can also come to the media center to check out whenever they need a new book. No one has to wait until their set day. It can get hectic but it allows us to get books in students hands on a regular basis and then lets me teach in context.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth Winningham
Avon Intermediate School West
Nancy McGriff
To reply to Emily first of all...
I concur with John, respect is earned and one way to earn respect is make sure other teachers know that you identify yourself as a teacher. I do "extra" things like grade parts of assignments, develop rubrics, etc. and I also grade student writing as part of our school improvement plan when we do full school writing prompts.
At one time I worked in multiple buildings and I can tell you that "effective" is relative. You can be effective by working with the administrator and staff members to identify a vital role you can play when you are in a building part time. But I can also tell you that you will never have the type of program that is described in Information Power. You do what you can...
A recent program success... I haven't yet accomplished this but I am working on having our jr. sr. high staff agree to require multiple sources and a bibliography for any "reports" that students are required to do. There are some people who don't bring students in to work on projects but require reports. I want to make sure that our students and staff see the value of using information, not just locating it, and attributing informaiton. I am in the process of training staff members to use NoodleTools and I am developing a generic rubric to aide in grading. I will grade bibliographies for anyone who asks.
Nancy McGriff
Nancy McGriff
1. I work in a K-12 media center and the schedule is somewhat hybrid. All elementary teachers bring their classes once a week for a scheduled checkout. Teachers stay with their classes. Occasionally I will do a down and dirty little instruction on OPAC etc. if requested or I see a need. Other than that my schedule is flex.
Can you have a successful program on a fixed schedule, yes. Again, "successful" is relative. When the schedule is fixed and can't or won't be changed then you have to forge ahead. I would contact teachers and try to teach within their theme or reinforce skills that apply (there are many ELA, Science and Social Studies standards that involve information literacy).
2. I currently offer extended hours in the AM, 6:30 and after school, 4:00 but no evening or weekend hours. We have talked about it but there is no funding. Another possiblity is flexing hours, I have 2 full time adult assistants, but we are hard pressed to get it all done now.
3. I don't have a wireless lab, but I do have a wireless LCD projector and tablet laptop for instruction. We have 5 wireless OPAC stations set up in areas of the media center that don't have network drops. I love it! It is has been reliable and allowed flexibility.
Susan Robinson
ReplyDeleteMedia Specialist
Alexandria Middle School
I have just started at a school which decided to cut the librarian position and then changed their mind at the last minute. We have a fixed schedule - middle school classes come once a week to check out books and 6th graders come twice a week. The prior librarian restricted acces. I opened it up so students can come for 1/2 hour before school - during lunch and individually whenever they want. However, now I find that students are in there ever minute of the day 8 hours a day even on the 2 days when I have no scheduled classes. I wanted to use those days to schedule meeting with teachers and work out collaborative projects. I do see circulation increasing over last years numbers, but I wonder what the best way is to have free access and still have time to meet and collaborate with teachers,develop the distance learning, and oh, and get lunch occasionally. I have no assistant.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
Nancy McGriff
Access is one of those hot button issues. I know that the ideal is always open and always full of students but without help that is not possible for you now. You could make 1 morning and 1 afternoon limited access, prearranged or with teacher only, and that would give you time to accomplish your other goals. It's hard to take something back once it is given, so think carefully.
I think you also have to look at the activities that occur while students are in the LMC, are they doing homework, reading, hanging out, looking for books, etc. If you schedule a meeting with teachers and need to leave the room or can't supervise, you can ask students to leave and put a sign on the door stating a time you will be available.