Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Website Review: Steve Spangler Science

The STEVE SPANGLER SCIENCE website is filled with engaging science experiments and projects for kids.
The Experiments section contains dozens of motivating science experiments for young people. Each experiment includes an overview, step-by-step instructions, a description of how it works, and additional ideas and information such as science fair connections and real-world applications.
The Videos section links to engaging videos that include science experiments along with related science programming. The videos are housed at a few different YouTube Channels.
A blog keeps users up-to-date with new ideas.
In addition to the quality information resources, the website also includes a Store section containing supplies needed for many of the experiments and the Teacher Training section featuring fee-based workshops. The Spangler Science Club is a subscription-based program.
Librarians will find that experiments and videos valuable in both science classrooms and maker stations in the library.
To visit the website, go to http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/.

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