Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Synergy: DNA

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a material found in the cells of all living things. It determines what a living thing looks like and how it functions. Sections of DNA information are called genes.

Read the recently published nonfiction picture book for youth, then learn more at the website:

GROW: SECRETS OF OUR DNA by Nicola Davies is an informational picture book describing how living things grow. It describes DNA as a set of instructions used to create a human body as well as other living beings.

YOURGENOME is a website where students can learn about DNA, genes, genomes, and the implications for our health and society. Designed by the Wellcome Genome Campus, users can explore videos, activities, interactives and a glossary. Sections of the website focus on the cell, methods and technology, targeting disease, society and behavior, and animals and animals.

To visit this online project, go to https://www.yourgenome.org/.

ARC courtesy of Candlewick.

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