Monday, September 12, 2022

Synergy: Dinosaurs

DINOSAURS are reptiles that lived primarily during the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods. Over 1,000 species of these enormous creatures have been identified. Dinosaur fossils have been found around the globe.

Read the recently published nonfiction reference atlases, then learn more at the website:

DINOSAUR ATLAS: A JOURNEY THROUGH TIME TO THE PREHISTORIC WORLD written by Tom Jackson and illustrated by Maggie Li uses simple color illustrations and engaging short text blocks to explore dozens of well-known and lesser known dinosaurs. The atlas begins with background information and concludes with what happened after dinosaurs reigned. Excellent for reading or browsing. 

ARC courtesy of Quarto Publishing Group. 

DINOSAUR ATLAS from National Geographic Kids takes young paleontologists on an adventure through time to explore the Mesozoic world of dinosaurs. Large text, a variety of illustrations, and open-space on each page will attract rather than overwhelm young readers. After an introduction, the readers explore three time periods and dozens of spotlight locations around the globe. The atlas concludes with what happened after extinction, a dictionary, glossary and additional information. Of particular note is the newly interpreted dinosaur information and stunning, full-color illustrations including artwork, photographs, and maps. 

ARC courtesy of National Geographic Kids.

DINOSAURS from the American Museum of Natural History web page features articles, exhibits, collections, and educational materials related to dinosaurs. Of particular interest is the PaleontOlogy section designed for children.

To visit AMNH, go to

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