Monday, November 21, 2022

Synergy: Narwhal

The NARWHAL is a medium-sized toothed whale with a long tusk protruding from it’s head. Known as the unicorns of the sea, they are deep diving creatures who live in groups above the Arctic Circle near the polar ice cap.

Read the recently published nonfiction picture book for children, then learn more at the websites:

NARWHAL: THE ARCTIC UNICORN written by Justin Anderson and illustrated by Jo Weaver combines an engaging nature story with factual information about the fascinating narwhal. The book concludes with information about the future of the narwhal, additional resources, and an index. ARC courtesy of Candlewick Press.

WHAT IS A NARWHAL? is a web page from NOAA Ocean Exploration providing basic information about the narwhal and its habitat.

To read the page, go to

NARWHAL from the WWF features photos, text, and videos about the sea creature and the challenges it faces from growing threats.

To visit the website, go to

NARWHAL FAQ by Kristin Laidre is a web project providing answers to commonly asked questions along with engaging illustrations.

To visit the web project, go to

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