Monday, October 19, 2020

Synergy: 1789

The year 1789 is a landmark year around the world including the start of the French Revolution. In the US, George Washington was elected the first President of the United States in February. The first Congress met in March to declare the Constitution in placed in effect and the beginning of the United States.

Read the recently published middle grades book, then learn more at the website:

1789: TWELVE AUTHORS EXPLORE A YEAR OF REBELLION, REVOLUTION, AND CHANGE by Marc Aronson and Susan Campbell Bartoletti is an anthology featuring a dozen narratives written by award-winning nonfiction authors. While some focus on rights and freedoms in the US, others explore issues of enslavement, change, and struggles from around the world.

Wikipedia’s timeline pages provide a useful starting point for exploring key years both in the United States and around the world.

Visit the global 1789 website at
Visit the US 1789 website at

ARC courtesy of Candlewick.