Friday, June 03, 2016

Website Review: Youth.Gov

YOUTH.GOV is a U.S. government website designed to help educators and others create, maintain, and strengthen youth programs.
A joint project of agencies across the government, the website explores 26 youth topics from after school programs to suicide prevention. Clicking a topic from the list leads to a starting point for information related to the subject or issue. Links are provided to agencies, announcements, data sources, departments, feature articles, hotlines, programs, publications, resources, technical assistance, tools and guides, videos and podcasts, and websites. Web badges and social media tools are provided to share information.
The Youth Voices part of the website focuses on how young people can be change makers in their communities. Examples of teen change makers are provided as well as the chance to nominate youth. The Young Engaged 4 Change area of the website is designed specifically for youth and focuses on change makers. It provides opportunities and tools to help young people explore important topics and get involved in their communities.
The website provides funding search tools that can be used to seek out grants and other approaches to funding youth programs. The collaborations section includes profiles of those involved with initiating, implementing, and sustaining youth programs. The evidence and innovation area of the website provides examples of evidence-based programs and information about the need to build an evidence base. Finally, the website provides search tools for accessing youth information by keywords, agencies, departments, and topics.
Librarians will find this website useful when working with activities that bridge classroom and community projects.
To visit the website, go to

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