Wednesday, November 11, 2015

App Review: How to Make Origami

HOW TO MAKE ORIGAMI by Sergey Burlakov is an easy-to-use app demonstrating how to create dozens of origami projects.
The app features patterns in categories including birds, boats, boxes and containers, clothes, flowers, Valentines, and other models. Each project contains a series of easy-to-follow steps. Users are presented with step-by-step instructions presented as text and also visuals. Simple animations show the folding procedure for each step. These animations can be repeated if necessary. The animation speed can also be adjusted.
Perfect for makerspaces, librarians could create a whole station around this app by just providing paper to get students started. Provide students with books for more ideas.
This app is free, but contains ads across the bottom and occasional pop-up ads.
The app developer has other craft apps available including how to quill, make balloon models, how to bead, and how to model clay.

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