Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Book Review: Ultimate Explorer Field Guides

ULTIMATE EXPLORER FIELD GUIDES is a new series from National Geographic Kids. These pocket-sized books are great for beginning naturalists looking for hands-on experiences. Each field guide is chuck-full of fascinating information.
From pelicans to cardinals, BIRDS by Julie Beer features dozens of well-known birds. The bird entry pages including photos, range maps, descriptions, special characteristics, interesting facts, and help with classification. The book concludes with a glossary, resources, a quick ID guide, and an index. Although birds are grouped into color coded families, this feature is easy to miss.
ROCKS & MINERALS by Nancy Honovich examines a wide range of rocks and minerals found around the world. The book begins with an overview of rock hounding tools and the basics of mineral identification. Minerals are then grouped into categories such as silicates and carbonates. After an introduction to rocks and the rock cycle, readers learn about igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. The sections on fossils and dinosaur bones are likely to be popular with young readers. The book ends with a quick ID guide, glossary, resources, and an index.
Librarians as well as young readers will appreciate the durable book covers and compact format. Set up a spring display with a variety of field guides that encourage children to get outside and explore the natural world. Connect with STEM standards and real-world world science activities.
Published by National Geographic Kids on February 9, 2016. ARC courtesy of the publisher.

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